Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Getting Labor Started

OK, it's that time......I'm basically ready to try anything to get labor going naturally.  My doctor will let me go to my due date and no longer before inducing.  This is primarily due to complications I had with #8 going over due, so I'm not arguing too much with him.  Anyway, I'm walking about 2 miles everyday, trying to stay as active as possible, drinking lots of red raspberry tea and eating spicy foods.  So far, nothing is helping too much.  Tomorrow is grocery store day, so I'm going to load up on eggplant, mango and pineapple.......all, I've been told, can trigger labor.  Please, let me know if you have some secret to getting labor going.  Oh, I did try castor oil with my fourth and it did nothing but send me to the bathroom way too much, so I'm not trying that again.  I have been using red raspberry leaf tea since baby #5 and I feel that it mostly just gets my uterus in shape and I hardly bleed afterwards.  I've been drinking a cup a day but am uping it now to 2 cups a day (that's about all I can manage.)  Well, I'll keep y'all posted!


  1. gardening. lots of gardening. the bending up and down did it for me.

  2. Black cohosh or blue is good. Worked for me a few times.

  3. Ok, at first I thought you'd made a labor starting cocktail out of the ingredients above. Ha ha! Yuk. Anyway, I also have tried a lot of things to get labor going and the only thing that has ever worked for me was having my Dr. run his finger around my cervix and bag of water to "loosen" things up. He didn't break my water and really I don't know the details of what his doing that did ( I don't want to know!) maybe your OB would, but it worked. I went home and for the first time (I've been induced twice) went into labor "on my own". It's a thought. I'm pregnant with my fourth and keeping this in mind for next time. Good luck to you!

    I enjoy reading your blog. 10 babies! What a blessing!

  4. Progesterone cream from the doctor is "natural" if you get my drift and is what they use for induction. Worked for us.

  5. I used that same red raspberry tea! I made it into ice cubes for during labor too. Happy laboring :)

  6. Have you tried getting a pedicure (or even a good foot massage). Apparently, there is a pressure point somewhere in your foot or ankle that can induce labor and, frequently, a nail tech will get it inadvertently while doing a massage during a pedicure. With my first I had a pedicure on Thursday and a baby on Friday.....

  7. membrane stripping? worked great for me with my last 3 babies!

  8. No suggestions just excited for you. Hope it happens really soon.

  9. My friend ate an entire pineapple and an hour later lost her mucus plug--I hear that helps!

  10. I too have tried so many things each time. My husband and I get in the van and go driving over speed bumps in parking lots. My kids love this too and have called it "bumping". They think it is SO much fun to help try to get things moving along. It did help for my baby #5, I think. I felt like she was coming in the car and rushed home to get things together, and she came that night. But sometimes we try SO much and nothing seems to help. I know the Lord does have a perfect timing. I will be praying for you!!

  11. Hi Becca,
    I've been reading your blog and am inspired by it. I just had baby #6 (4 girls, 2 boys) two weeks ago. My midwife did a stretch and sweep of my membranes and labour started a few hours later. I was 9 days overdue and would have gotten induced the next day, but thankfully baby Levi was born by early morning. My fourth girl (Naomi) was also 10 days late and after a stretch and sweep labour started and she was born the next day. All the best for you and your delivery! I look forward to reading about it.

  12. I *heart* red raspberry! tea, supplement, etc.. fabulous for the uterus, less bleeding, and great for nursing moms. ;^)
    Praying for an uneventful delivery full of peace...
    blessings, Sheri

  13. pineapple "worked" for me!!! if you call coming 9 days late working. ;) LOL

  14. Good luck! I used castor oil with all my babies. Some people have not have good results...but I always did! :)

  15. I am just hoping that since we haven't had an update that *something* worked and baby #10 is now in your arms!

  16. We've had 9 and I still haven't found any secrets to getting labor started. Sorry!

  17. I did jumping jacks (as best I could 9 months pregnant) for 2 commercial breaks one night and went into labor early the next morning :)

  18. I've heard two friends say they burn sage and walk over it a few times--the smoke entering the uterus is supposed to trigger labor...I don't know, I always went before my due date!
    Just remember to pray during, before and after, and to be so grateful for everything that happens afterwards! I hope, God-willing, it all goes great!

  19. Seeing that this is my top read post, I thought I'd chime in with what really worked to get baby #10 out naturally 5 days early (and with a great, fast labor to boot!) It was walking and eating a whole fresh pineapple. My doctor did strip my membranes too, 2 days before my water broke and labor started natually. Probably driving fast over speed bumps helped too : ) And I know God is control, but I think those 3 things helped the most.

  20. my child is so ready to have her son she wants to know what to try she has walked so much she thinks her plug fell off last nite but is been having bad back pain and like he is pushing his way out what can see do help in jacksonville email if you have any thing she can try lisagillman12@yahoo.com

  21. Hi I recently had my second baby this year and know how hard it can be to play the waiting game for your baby to come. I found a book that really helped me. Some of the suggestions were just plain silly and made me laugh, but I did try out a few and I believe they worked! My daughter came on her due date, but the labor was only 5 hours long with no medicine or complications. You should really check it out if you are interested in finding a few natural ways to induce labor--it worked for me :) http://www.amazon.com/87-Ways-Induce-Labor-Methods-ebook/dp/B00KV1FEVI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402338062&sr=8-1&keywords=Chelsey+Thompson

  22. Carrot cake did the trick for me! Here's my recipe: http://www.lucymyerz.com/2015/06/week-past-your-due-date-carrot-cake.html


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