Monday, August 15, 2011

The Pain of the Launch

Ben Now~

No, it doesn't matter that I have 10 children.  No, it doesn't matter that this is my second to leave "the nest."  It's so hard and I'm sad.  What happened to my little boy?  Each child is so unique and so special and so very will be hard when all of them leave and I will grieve.  Yes, I'm so glad he is such a fine young, godly man.  I'm so glad that he chose to go to a small,Christian college and I'm so glad he wants to go to college but I will miss him terribly. The younger ones will miss him terribly and his sister who is less than 2 years younger than him, will probably miss him the most.  He's going off to Tennessee this week and while I'm happy it's not any further than that, it's still a day's drive away and it will really never be the same again.  Pray for me if you think about it, because I know all you other moms out there can sympathize.  Whether your little boy is 2 or 20, I know you understand.  They don't stay little long....but they will always be our little guys!
Ben just a few months ago, really!


  1. I feel your pain :( my oldest daughter is moving out next month, and I keep waking up in a panic about it. And even though my oldest son has been married and out of the home for three years, I still miss him terribly. He lives five minutes away, and I see him every day...but I still miss him living at home! I will pray for you, because I know exactly how you feel. My little kids are all very emotional about their big sissy moving out too. It's hard when you're such a close-knit family! Thank God for grace:)

  2. I know where you are coming from--my oldest(almost 21) just left for Alaska last week(we are in MI). I am happy for him since he is doing what he always wanted, but it is so hard too.

  3. My babies are still toddlers, but I'm already dreading this day. I'll be keeping you, Ben, and the rest of your family in my prayers. I went to a small Christian college for my undergraduate years, and I loved it. Hopefully he'll enjoy his college years!

  4. I know your pain! Love that Ben, and love you!

  5. Oh, my oldest boy is just 6...and that pic of your boy on the boat made me feel your pain. (: If you drive through TN on I-40 and come far west enough to pass Cookeville (good place to stop on a road trip, by the way!), know you have a friend here cheering you on and praying for your momma's heart as you drive!

  6. I hear your pain. Just sent off #4. It never gets any easier.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love them and they keep me writing. I really do read each one.