Tuesday, April 6, 2010


      This is what my day looks like! 

But this is what my life looks like!

And it's a darn good one!
I saw this done on another mother's blog and I liked it.  I'm trying to keep the big picture and keep the main thing, the main thing.  5 of my kids were in a wreck today, thank the Lord they were all alright.  We have so much to be thankful for!  God is good!


  1. Love it! I'm also trying to keep it real. Nice to not be alone and to have you put it in perspective here for me. So glad your kids are all right.

  2. hope it's okay i subscribed to your blog. found it somehow?

    i love this post and i'm thanking God with you for His loving protection.

    i love knowing you!!

  3. I love your pictures, who are all those people in the group picture. I am glad to know their were no injuries, very scary stuff. Wish I could have seen you when you were in B.R. Your life looks great to me.

  4. Love this!Wow,so glad your children are ok.I know I am reading this post after the fact.God is good.I have found some amazing people by blogging.I really wish People were closer.Nice to see families ,with things in common.Keep up the good work,your family is amazing!Blessings,Marla Grace

  5. What a neat post!

    I am so thankful your children were all OK!! we have had some harrowing experiences with wrecks too. someday i will post my story of our roll over accident . . .


Thanks so much for your comments! I love them and they keep me writing. I really do read each one.