Saturday, June 18, 2011

Helping Our Husbands Be Better Fathers

My husband wrote a blog post a few months ago about how us women can help our husbands be better fathers.  So I thought in honor of Father's Day tomorrow  I would post his ideas.  These are things that he tells me help make him a stronger dad and enjoy it more.   I try to do these things, but many times fall short.  Anyway, I thought it was an interesting list from a man's perspective.

1.  Pray with your husband daily.  Even if it's just a two minuter prayer, it's so important to "connect" spiritually.  And praying together for your children is so important!

2.  Give him good chapter books to read to your children at bedtime.  My husband loves this and it's such good "daddy time" before bed.

3. Don't over burden your husband right when he comes from work.  Give him some down time and some "happy time" before dumping on him all that is wrong in the house or with the kids.  Also, be sure to give him a proper welcome when he comes home.  I think this means dropping what you are doing and greeting him with a kiss. 

4.  Defer and show respect to your husband, especially in front of your kids.  Men crave respect and we should always talk positively about our husbands.

5.  Pray daily for our husbands to be better dads.  I love the books by Stormie Omartian..."Power of a Praying Wife" and "Power of a Praying Mother." 

6.  Help your husband with his schedule.  I like to meet on Sunday evenings together and go over the upcoming week with him.  Make sure he has important things down on his ball games, date nights, meetings, graduations, etc.

7.  Notice when he does fathering well. This means complimenting and praising him.

May we all inspire to be godly wives to the wonderful men that God has given us.  Yay for Fathers!!!!


  1. Good post! I love reading your blog, Rebecca.

  2. This is great!!! Thank you! It is my hearts desire to be the wife God has called me to be! So I appreciate your tips. Have a great day :)


Thanks so much for your comments! I love them and they keep me writing. I really do read each one.